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Local School Governance Team

What is a Local School Governance Team?

A Local School Governance Team (LSGT) in each school is the method the school system will use to get the community, parents and teachers involved in decision making to maximize educational opportunities for children. Each LSGT will seek to provide the best possible learning environment for the children in their community.

How can you get involved?

Complete the candidate form (link is below), contact your school principal and express an interest in being a member of the Local School Governance Team (LSGT). Parent elections can be held from May until August for the upcoming school year.


What is a Local School Governance Team member required to do?

  • Serves a two-year term
  • Work to improve student achievement and performance
  • Encourage the participation of parents and others within the school community
  • Act as a link between the LSGT and the community
  • Maintain a school-wide perspective in issues
  • Regularly participate in LSGT meetings
  • Participate in informational and training programs

What type of decisions will the Governance Teams make?
The local teams will make meaningful decisions that will impact the education of children in our community. Decisions will include budget and staffing for local schools

Who makes up The Governance Team?

The LSGT is made up of the principal, 2 parents - elected by school parents (must be a parent of a child currently enrolled in the school and the parent would have a child enrolled in the school for the entire two-year term), 2 community leaders - appointed by the LSGT(a business partner or community leader with an interest in the school) and 2 faculty members. Students - Middle and high schools will also include student participation in a manner decided by the schools.

Current LSGT Members:

Administration: Gordon Scoggins
Parent Members:  Sabrina Holbrook, Jenni Pineda

Teacher Members: Alisha Holtzendorf, Jennifer Stephens

Community Members: Jeffery Baker, Brad Dillard